Thursday, April 20, 2006

Another day at the office

Howdy all.

Quite a good day today. I went into work today and actually felt like I achieved something today. I've been feeling bad because this week my work has been quite sporadic, since I've had so many appointments, but I got some stuff done today. Of course I had to leave this afternoon to go see a new specialist, but I did have a very productive morning :-)

Off to the fertility specialist this morning. Looks like harvesting eggs is going to be relatively straightforward, and more importantly, we can do it concurrently with the laparoscopy so no time delays. Just a bunch of injections (done by moi!) everyday for a couple of weeks and some easy surgery to pull 'em out. No dramas. Basically, females start off with a couple of hundred thousand little eggs, then gradually they die off. Each month you release between half a dozen and a dozen, of which one of it makes it as a big egg, and the others die off. The drugs I'll be taking will make all of the half-dozen or dozen released eggs big and then they can be extracted (not sure of the exact surgical procedure, but it's done under a general, and should only be an overnight stay). Obviously I turn into seriously hormonal cranky bitch girl during the heavy hormone injection period, but presumably nothing too much out of the ordinary...

I am now trying to get in touch with my oncologist to organise a time for the laparoscopy. Ideally that will happen next week, then the week after I can have my surgery to harvest the eggs, then the week after the surgery to pull the baby alien (as I know think of the tumour) out. In an ideal world, of course.... I'll let you know tomorrow what sort of time frames we're looking at in the real world!

Thank you for all your messages of support. My family and friends are very special to me, and I feel very blessed to have you (uh oh, starting to sound like bloody Delta or Kylie!). I really do love you very much!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jess

I have read your entire blog, from “Jess’s First Journey” onwards. Wow! Jess you are a talented writer! You had me laughing, you had me crying and I can relate to so much you wrote! Seriously, if the Banking Analyst thing ever wears thin you could consider being an author. I think a lot of cancer sufferers/survivors would appreciate your story but you could write anything – you are really good!

I had coffee with your mama yesterday and she filled me in on the latest. It’s really not fair that you have to confront another “tumour event” and in the background deal with the whole “will I have children” thing as well. Do you know that during my own little tumour adventure (which compared to yours was a doddle) I had a24 hr period in which they believed my chemo wasn’t working and a complete hysterectomy was the proposed next plan. This at 29 with no child to my name. It was horrible – there was no discussion of havesting eggs – it was just a fait accompli. I just had to accept my fate. I decided if this was so, Paul & I would lead a completely self-indulgent lifestyle to compensate for not having children. But, it was a mistake! Someone had mis-transcribed my blood test results – hey, human error, much as it causes suffering- it happens! No malice intended, but I didn’t enjoy the experience! As you know it all turned out OK and this is what I wish so desperately for you!

We are thinking of you everyday and with you all the way!
Love Auntie Anne & Uncle Paul

9:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

I just got through your blog up to this point- it's funny, it has reminded me of so many things. I'm not going to dwell too much here- you have a letter on your way in the post- but I just wanted to say this here for everyone to see- that I know that you will be fine. Of course I worry and am sad and angry that you have to deal with this stuff again, but I have seen you deal with this first hand. You are and will alwayd be an inspiration to me. You taught me how to fight and be stubborn and never give an inch, and you got me though many, many hard days and nights. My only regret is that I'm not living next door anymore. I feel guilty that you have to go through this again and I don't. I wish I could deal with it for you. Not that you'd need it! This is just for anyone who hasn't known Jess for very long, and I only need to say it once... Jess doesn't have to deal with cancer- cancer has to deal with her. Seriously, I'm not kidding. You're one tough little character sweetheart. Thinking of you,


10:44 pm  

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