Friday, June 08, 2007

The (Far More Interesting) Plan!

Well, I'm off to the Sunshine Coast today...

I love window-time. And this window-time is proving to be fantastic! The whole brain tumour thing seems kinda surreal... it doesn't actually seem possible that next week I'm going in for surgery and then radiation.

Anyway, that's something to think about next week!

Thank you for your comments, as usual... I feel a bit guilty that I have no real news for anyone at the moment, but if I'm going to start feeling guilty about feeling good, then there's something very wrong with this whole setup!

Now, as MJ has so astutely pointed out, my surgery falls on Marshall Ledbetter Day, and I hope that we are all getting excited about the opportunity to commemorate Marshall's great feats. I know that the Palace has an exciting activity planned... and if I wasn't otherwise occupied with the seriously funkily named stereotactical radiosurgery (I just love to say it, I think I will enjoy undergoing it slightly less), I would definitely be in Sydney celebrating it with you! (Google it, folks.)

Be well, enjoy your long weekend (I know I will) and there will be more news of the more dramatic kind (well, let's hope not too dramatic!) next week!

God bless,

Jess xoox

PS Gill, I hear you've been taking tips from Russell?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess
MJ has given me an update on your latest news - glad to know that the op went well and heres hoping that the next few weeks are bearable for you.
Life at the palace continues with its usual level of rumours, realignment of kingdoms etc. We now have a new verb - to BARLIN (to perform a takeover) or to be BARLINED (to be taken over!)Obviously I've been sitting near Rusty for too long and it's rubbed off and as you so rightly point out I've been Barlining recently myself (but am still an amatuer when it comes to the masters)! The latest problem that we now have is that space in the palace is limited and with all these Barlinings occurring, we've run out of desks. One solution is to relocate to the old Tower - but how could one continue to participate in palace intrigue if relegated there?
Anyway - there are much more important things in life than desk space - so hope that all goes well for you. Thinking of you lots and fingers etc crossed
Gill xxxx

2:54 pm  

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