Sunday, September 17, 2006

And back to the real world...

Well, New Zealand was a great holiday. Such a beautiful country. We flew into Christchurch, then drove to Timaru, and spent the night there, then drove down to Queenstown. We were in Queenstown for about a week, of which four days were skiing, and then drove back up to Christchurch by a different route, stopping frequently to look at the stunning vistas of lakes, mountains and oceans (sometimes in the one vista!) It was just magical.

It was also really good to get away from Sydney and the day-to-day routine. I was a bit snappy and irritable for the first couple of days (sorry Richard), and a bit teary during some of the middle days, but the last few days were really relaxed and peaceful. Oh, what a fun journey this is...

But you know, all these emotions are completely normal and there's nothing wrong with being a bit temperamental. It's all part of the process, and I can't move forward until I've felt and dealt with these emotions. And the past couple of weeks I've been much more serene and happy, and therefore much nicer to live with.

My support group is going really well. It's a great group of people and I get a lot out of the meetings each week. It's really very calming for me, and it's a safe forum to express some of my emotions and get through them. There is a retreat at the end of November that I'm quite keen to go on, and I'm quite keen for Mama to come with me. I think it will be good for both of us. The organisation running the support group and retreat is called Life Force -

There's also another course coming up that someone in my support group told me about - it's called Facing Death, Embracing Life. I'm trying to push a couple of people out of the denial closet (ie Richard) to come along with me. It's getting quite lonely being the only person trying to process and accept what's happening, so painful as it might be in the beginning, I'm really keen for people to start trying to deal with it. So Richard and Jacqui are both coming along - excellent! The course is run by Judy Arpana if you want to google it.

Otherwise, I'm back at work and things chug along there as usual. I've started a new 12-Week Blitz with Jacqui in the lead-up to summer, so I'm going to the gym everyday and eating healthily. I have a lot more energy as a result as well!

My next scan is on October 5th, it's a full bone scan as well. Bit nervous about it as always, but in the meantime life goes on.

Hope you're all well.

Lots of love,

Jessie xoxox


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