Monday, November 27, 2006

Searching for peace in a mad world

Greetings all. The last couple of posts have been very factual. This one slightly less so. Blogging lately has been a bit of a chore, something that I need to do, and that's not what it was designed to be. Partly to keep people up to date, partly as a place for me to vent. Unfortunately the two can sometimes be slightly at cross-purposes - namely that sometimes there are things I need to vent about but I'm not ready to share them with the world yet! And when that sort of dissonance occurs, I tend to avoid blogging at all.

That said, the main reason I don't blog frequently is time - I'm so busy working, exercising, living that I just don't have time for 'frivolous' things like blogging.

Let's talk about time. I DO TOO MUCH. Shall I say it again? I DO TOO MUCH. And it's not that there's too much on my plate, or that life is too busy. It is that I, me personally, I, Jess, DO too much. I am constantly DOING something. I never stop DOING something. If I stop DOING, I might have to think. If I think, I might have to feel. If I feel, it might be painful. And I spend too much time planning. Even this whole cancer journey is planned as much as possible. I PLAN on having chemo in March. I plan to do things a certain way.

Life just isn't like that.

I've just come back from a marvelous retreat run by Lifeforce. I don't actually want to talk about it, partly because I don't have the words, and partly because the things I've learnt from that weekend can't be expressed in a way that others would understand.

Instead, let me tell you what I'm going to do (uh oh, sounds like I'm planning, but I'm not really).

I am going to stop doing and start being.

I am not going to read at all times, as a way of avoiding being and thinking.

I am going to spend some time every day just being. I want to create a new ritual when I wake up - to go outside with a cup of tea and just be.

In fact, I'm going to go be now.

Much love,



Blogger Alison said...

Hi Jess! Thank you for sharing part of you and your journey; I feel privileged. My journey has been very different from yours but it has had its challenges. I am certainly 'guilty' of keeping busy to avoid reality. It took me time to discover that I could just 'be'; once I did and others respected my need to 'be' life became better paced and relaxing and I more peaceful; afterall we are spiritual beings! Taking time to watch my daughter can be an inspiration; she takes such pleasure in simple, small things and takes the time to notice them; sometimes I feel very much that she is far more in touch with 'being'. You and yours are constantly in our prayers. Alison

7:59 pm  

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