Monday, February 05, 2007

So much for a good week...

Just a short post, my good week hasn't turned out to be that great physically. I am extremely low in energy - I really struggle to get out of bed, let alone chew food, which means that I don't have energy to do things like get out of bed or chew food, and thus the cycle continues...

I am on steroids to stimulate my energy levels and appetite (yes, Jessica Disteldorf, gourmet and gourmand extraordinaire, is on drugs to INCREASE her appetite!) but they don't seem to be working (apart from condensed milk, of course. Loooove condensed milk right now. Mama lets me.)

Just wanted to post to let you all know that if you put your fingers up my nose and thumb in my mouth, you could throw me down a bowling alley (pity about the neck damage). Yes, my hair is all gone. It was shedding like mad and I was so sick of having hair EVERYWHERE that Mama and I had an hour-long brushing session and pulled most of it out. Unfortunately I have a lot of hair, and still resembled a dog with mange. Bad mange. So a quick visit to the hairdresser and a zero all over has fixed that. It's growing on Sophie. She wasn't keen at first. By the end of the week she'll want one too.

Chemo starts again tomorrow. Yee-ha.

I'll post more when things settle down. We're probably moving into a Leukaemia Foundation house by the end of the week, so hopefully we can establish a bit more routine.

I hate cancer.

Jess xoxoxo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jess
I hate cancer too - especially yours. But I love you and your Mama!
Just letting you know we are here, thinking of you both every day, reading your blog so we can know how things are going.
Hang in there and get in more condensed milk!
love Auntie Anne

10:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Jess!

Ironically, a big group of us went bowling last night, and definitely some aerodynamics would have helped me. Oh well. Next time we`ll jet you over and meet you at Narita Airport in a dirty big solar-powered limo.
Lavinia says HI and KISSES and HUGS and a promise of some new year`s photos!

Hi and Kisses and Hugs, er, also, from

PS: Your previous posting now has a comment added with all you need to know for the moment about the Jess Defence. And damn I miss that cooking of yours.

1:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmm, condensed milk - I haven't had that in years. Not sure if you can still get it, but it used to come in tubes and you could squeeze it into your mouth. Less messy than a can, but whatever floats your boat, Sweetie. If if gets some nourishment into you, I'm not surprised that your mum is allowing it.
Take care Jess. Love from all in the Annandale Life Force group. Jane xx

9:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

One better than condensed milk is dulce de leche which is this amazing spread south americans have with everything. I'll see if I can find it somewhere in Oz and send it on. Mind you it might not actually make it to your place if Chris spies it!

Thinking of you always

Rach xoxo

8:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess
You are an amazing young lady and our family is always wondering how you are going. Aunty Annette keeps us informed and we will certainly be saying prays for you. If you feel like getting away we have a lovely bush paradise over here as we call it. Waking up listening to the birds and getting back to nature could be just what the doctor ordered. Kara is living in Tom Price WA got offered a job with the council doing payroll/purchasing loves it and I have forwarded your blogg pages to her.
Love to you and all the family
Uncle John Aunty Lee Kara Brooke & Elise
Mandurah WA

9:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

Hang in there! Thinking of you all the time. I actually love a shaved head - no shampooing or hair gel required, you have to admit the maintenance is easier! Don't know about the condensed milk though, might have to give it a go now I'm a lowly backpacker!

Mark T

PS Rachel if you read this are you getting my emails?

11:35 am  

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