Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Suddenly kinda good again...

One of the downsides about not having the internet is that I don't get to read the wonderful comments you wonderful people put on my blog. What a pick-me-up. And greetings to Colleen and Warren and any other new readers - I find it amazing how many people are actually reading my scratchings! (Even Ben and Rich, who were technically on Ben's buck's night when they posted - don't worry, I think it got much more debauched than reading my blog by the end of the night!)

I have had a mental breakthrough. Someone said how they always get depressed and broody on how shitty their life is whenever they get a cold or get sick or something. I'm exactly the same. If I'm feeling lousy physically (ie the past two weeks), everything will escalate and grow into huge problems instead of being in perspective like it usually is. This week I'm feeling great physically and therefore in a great mood. I am really hoping that being aware of this will help me keep things in perspective next week... then again, I am also hoping that my drugs will keep a lot of things under control next week too!

Had a great long weekend. Brad, Jacqui and Richard came up and we showed Brad around Brissie and spent some time at our old uni... even had a debate about medical ethics while lunching at Wordies! (It's a UQ thing.) Did all the Brissie things - Mt Coot-tha, New Farm Park, and Brad and Jacqui cruised on the CityCat. We also had a BBQ out at Jacqui's parents' place at Wellington Point which was lovely. It was so good to see my friends, and I really needed it. I had a good cry at the airport (after embarassingly getting stroppy at Richard).

It inspired me (and the fact that I feel well this week) to catch up with my Brissie friends and so I am having a very social week! I even played some chess with Michael yesterday, and while I appear to have lost a few neural pathways and my opening theory is all shot to pieces (pardon the extremely bad pun), I still enjoy it, so I've signed up for an upcoming club tournament! Have brain, will use! Nik, do you remember what the Jess Defence was? Was it e4, d5, ed, c6? (Yes, I know it's not sound, but it's an open position.) My inner geek is scrambling out...

I have made a depressing realisation. If I ever get back out into the dating scene, the poor guy is going to google me. And what will come up? Numerous mention in chess tournaments, cancer articles and a feminist article. If you know anyone who's ideal woman fits that description (sick nerdy feminist), for pity's sake PLEASE give him my number! At least this blog doesn't come up if you google my name - I know I've got a caravan of camels worth of baggage, and you too can read all about it in one convenient location! Although I have been thinking about putting a personal ad up - Single female to suit commitment-phobe. Guaranteed no long-term commitment! What do you think?

Anyway, I am having a great week. Everything seems to be in much better perspective, I have a little more energy and I'm feeling so much better. Bit of a glitch on the weekend - on Friday my white blood cells (immune system) hit rock bottom, making me neutropenic (absolutely no immune system). I started self-injecting a drug called Neupogen (into fat, not veins, chill...) which extracts cells out of the bones to boost your blood counts. It worked well, but gave me absolutely excruciating back pain. Thankfully Susan and I were doing a trial run for her hen's night while the boys had their buck's night, and spent a great evening in a hotel in the city. We had a wonderful time in the Pimp Suite, which had a huge spa next to the bed, so we sat in the spa (good for agonizing back pain) and watched movies, while consuming room service cocktails!

This week I'm doing quite a bit of footage for the ABC - trying to get some good happy stuff before poxy chemo starts again next week (they're coming to that one too).

Hope you are well... thank you so much for sharing this journey with me. I had a few goals with this blog, one of them was to help other cancer journeyers feel less alone. I didn't realise it would help me feel less alone as well. Thank you, and may God bless you as much as he has me.

Lots of love,



Blogger Sus said...

I like the pimp suite!! It should be a monthly event :D

10:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gorgeous Girl,
so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Things just aren't the same here at the palace without you. Take Care of you and know that we are all thinking of you.
Loads of Love, Amanda

4:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

really glad that you're feeling better. I know few people (not me that's for sure) who are in good form when they fell ill. Hope the inner chess nerd triumphs in the comp... Gill xoxoxo

4:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, Thanks for your recent emails. I've managed to get on the internet myself and brougt myself up to speed with your Blog.
Hope to speak to you soon.
Mike x

3:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess!

Great to hear you are feeling positive! Sounds like you had a fun weekend with Jaqui, Brad & Richard. Room service cocktails and a spa in the pimp suite is pure GOLD! Stay in touch - it's great to be able to read about you all the way from Canada. Thinking of you nerd girl!

Mark T

7:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyya Jess,
After much deliberation and an extremely busy week, I've finally dredged up the secret archives on the Jess Defence. 1.e4 d5, (with a cheeky smile) 2.exd5 Nf6, 3.c4 e6 (with a quiet "take me, I dare you" under the breath) 4.dxe6 Bxe6, 5.d4 Bb4+!, 6.Bd2 Qe7! (with a quick, strategical adjustment of the blouse whilst staring directly at the newly positioned queen)
From there it`s just good ol' fashioned charm and tactics.

If the honourable opponent wants to be boring and play 3.Nc3 instead, then just reply with 3...Nxd5 if you're not in the mood for fireworks, or you're original plan of 3...c6 (with a "C`mon, what are you made of?") if you're more in the mood for a mad melee. (The idea of this line is to prevent white from playing d4 for a long, long time, so follow up with e5 and Bc5 and also play Bf5, then just crush the bastard).

Happy hunting!


PS: Great to see you back in action!

1:30 am  

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