Friday, November 23, 2007

The Fall of the F...

I, Jessica Anne Horton, Gourmet and Gourmand Extraordinaire, am no longer interested in food.

I forget to eat. I don't feel like eating. Most foods are quite distasteful to me.

Food is, or was, one of my four pillars of life. Faith, family, friends and food. I would like to make a really witty crack about replacing food with a new pillar - my husband, but there is absolutely no way to make it clean so I'm going to let it slide...

Chemo has officially killed off my tastebuds. I need really strong tasting salty foods to get through.

Unfortunately, at the same time, I'm getting agonising reflux pain. Eating hurts, deep breathing hurts, and changing position (lying down or standing up) hurts. So I'm supposed to be eating fairly blandly to minimise the reflux pain. Actually, I've doubled my reflux drugs and it is getting better fast. Hopefully in a day or two it will be all gone.

Energy wise I've been doing pretty well this week. No bone-weary exhausted episodes. Is good.

I am really happy at the moment. I feel a lot more in control of my to-do list, just knocking off one thing at a time, and I'm really looking forward to Christmas. We are having Mama, Dave and Jason's Mum to stay for Christmas and I'm looking forward to our first Horton family Christmas.

Next weekend is the 1st December so we're going to spend a day getting into the Christmas spirit - decorating the house, setting up the advent calendar and putting up the tree.

Hope you are well. Tell someone you love that you love them today, and make plans to spend some quality time with them. Life is short. Call them now.

God has a thousand ways where I can see not one.
When all my means have reached their end
Then His have just begun.

May God great you many blessings in your life, and just enough difficulties to appreciate them all.

With much love,

Jess xoxoxo


Blogger Jacqui said...

You're a legend, Jess. It never ceases to amaze me that you find ways to give things to us (e.g. uplifting thoughts) even when your energy levels are under constant assault.
Miss you bella - living in different cities sux.
Talk soon... J xx

11:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Beautiful Lady - thanks for posting so regularly, we check often here at the palace. Love to hear how things are with you, even though the original team is no longer, we miss you dearly. I promise to have a Caramel Kiss in your honour with our coffee run this afternoon, I just can't convince Col to ask for one with the coffee order - drats might actually have to do it myself! Feel blessed to be part of your life Mrs Horton - thanks for sharing and caring! Big Hug Amanda x

1:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jess,
just wanted to let you know that although last Friday was a fizzer (in terms of not meeting your usual high standards), i had a fabulous time. It is the first time I have been to a fancy restaurant in ages plus your company was wonderful (even if you felt grogy)and you also looked fabulous. I loved spending time with you, I don't think you quite realise the effect your presence has on people (even if you don't say alot:))
Also, dinner plans for the 12th are looking promising, I can't wait! maybe kalamata olives for those salt food cravings?? not sure how nutrious they are but they go down a treat wirh a nice strong chesse (are you still eating chesse?)

Talk soon.
love chelle

6:21 pm  

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