Monday, November 26, 2007

New Resolution

I must, must, MUST stop telling the truth to spruikers and charity muggers and those people selling credit cards. It's just not nice. A simple "No thank you" is much more polite.

Amex guy today: "Hello, do you like to travel?"
Me: "Yes, but I don't travel."
Amex guy: "Why not?"
Me: "I have cancer and can't get the insurance."
Amex guy: "Oh." (I guess that's not in the script.)

It does shut them up though :)

Just had a rip-roaring weekend. Saw Ben on Thursday night after making my annual Christmas rum balls with Beata during the day. It was so good to spend some time with my bro.

On Friday afternoon we picked up the small one and went to Big Sophie's birthday party. I think I like childrens' birthday parties much more when I'm not hosting them and it's not pouring with rain. A family game of Yahtzee afterwards showed that karma has just bit me on the tush and that I now have a step-daughter who is just as competitive at games as I was at that age. (Not to mention a husband who applies full poker theory to the game.)

On Sunday we went to Soph's dance concert. It started at eleven, so I asked Jason to pick us up again at one. At twelve thirty I texted him to not bother, since we hadn't even had intermission yet. One o'clock intermission and the canteen ran out of food. Lots of hungry kids. It ended at three. Ho-ly mo-ley. Talk about epic. Good, but epic and not enough food. Boy am I getting a crash course in small girls.

Sunday night we went to Clem Jones' Christmas party (his 47th annual party!) Clem is actually our next door neighbour - part of our yard is taken up with his tennis court, which was marqueed off to hold the party! Bit disconcerting to look over to see our washing bobbing merrily on the line... Oops. But jumping the fence is a nice easy way to get to and from a party...

It was a great night. Clem is a phenomenal man, very generous. He owns six of the houses surrounding his (including ours) and 'leases' them rent-free through the Leukaemia Foundation to people who need them, usually families from the country who need to come to the city for treatment. This is just one of many of his philanthropic activities.

So lots of energy for most of the weekend. I'm getting the drug balance right and getting as much sleep as I can. Oh, and coffee is very important to me too :) Still in quite a bit of pain so taking quite a bit of morphine. This does have unfortunate effects like me sitting here saying "Jason, what did we do on Saturday?" in order to write this blog. Things get a little fuzzy.

But I have a very exciting week ahead. I'm speaking at the Labels for Leukaemia function on Friday and doing an interview for the Courier Mail on Wednesday. I'll keep you posted as to when it's published, don't worry...

So, in the spirit of getting lots of rest to keep my energy up, I should really go to bed...

Life is good. I am happy.

Much love and God bless,

Jess xoxox


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jess,
Dave here, just thought I'd leave a comment to touch base and see how you're doing. Was great seeing you, jason and Emily at the Christmas party the other night for you. had a bit of a laugh about Jason 'applying full poker theory' to yahtzee, I get a bit frustrated at that game because even though it's meant to be a game of luck I usually come out losing. Good to hear you'r getting your pain management and sleep under a bit better control, hope it continues to get better. I've been getting the cravings for any type of salty/saucy foods too and find myself up at 2am in the morning eating gherkins or chips and hot chilli dip. it's Crazy.
Anyway hope to see you soon, look after yourself and stay safe.
Dave. (from across the tennis court border)

11:56 am  

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