Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Ten Best Things About Having Cancer...

10. The chemo ward is the only place that still has a dedicated tea lady.

9. You always have a simple and effective method of turning away spruikers. Without lying.

8. If you have a fancy event to go to, you can get your hair done the day before and just put it on before you go.

7. You can eat dessert first, guilt-free. And still lose weight.

6. You always win the "You think you've had a crap day..." argument.

5. If you need to get out of a situation, you can always puke.

4. You can always blame the brain tumour when you forget someone's name. (Try to get your husband's name right though. This one can only be stretched so far.)

3. When you go to a party, you know you've got the best drugs there. (And they're subsidised by the PBS.)

2. Painless Brazilian waxing.

1. You're one of the few people who can make jokes about having cancer without being called an insensitive jerk.

Don't forget to pick up a copy of the Courier Mail tomorrow (Thursday!) I'm a bit nervous about the interview - after so long blogging for family and friends, I'm in the habit of sharing all and answering all and any questions... but this is a much more public forum! So I'm a bit apprehensive about 'coming out'... Let me know what you think!

Actually, make that Friday's Courier Mail... apparently Thursday was a busy news day and I didn't make the cut ;)

Yes, I KNOW it's not in Friday's either... how could I compete with "Racing's Back!" I don't know when... try again tomorrow :)

God bless,

Jess xoxoox


Blogger Michelle said...

Jessica Anne Horton, you are a sick and twisted individual. I like that. :D

11:25 am  
Blogger Ann said...

Hi Jessica! I read your article in the courier mail today and have looked at your journey on your blog. As a student nurse, I want to ask you this question - what makes a crappy nurse and what makes a good one?? You posted some comments earlier on about nurses you had argued with. I am sure you are highly qualified to answer this question! Take care and I look forward to reading future blogs. Ann

8:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

I met you at Maleny (german restaurant) some time ago - I often log on to your site and have a read. I really enjoy your writing - it is raw and often makes me laugh out aloud. Glad to hear you are doing well - has the interview been published in the paper yet?

Dem xx

3:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie

Which section of the Courier Mail did your article appear in? I've found out it was on Sat 1st December, and what it was called but can't access the article without paying.

Lots of love
Jane (Life Force)

3:29 pm  

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