Full belly, good company, tra la la...
Just a quickie post.
I am in an interesting cycle. If I get something done - if I achieve something I feel is worthwhile - I feel good. If I feel like I've spent all day sitting around being 'sick', then I feel worse, I feel useless and I spiral downhill rapidly. Unfortunately, if I'm not feeling well to start, then I am extremely unmotivated and usually in pain and discomfort, and unlikely to get anything 'done'.
I probably need a short list of achievable tasks. Oh dear, I need to baby myself. Any suggestions? Things I can do even when feeling completely rubbish so that I feel like I've done something worthwhile?
Just had a fantastic evening chez Amy, Dave and Julie. And I 'achieved' quite a bit today (all houseworky stuff to get ready for our visitors). Given I started the day feeling lousy, I'm very happy about that. I have a nasty cough that I can't explain or get rid of. I'm a bit worried about it - Christmas is next week and I really don't want to get sick. But my chemo doesn't seem to impact my immune system, thank goodness.
Anyway, I wanted to offer my Christmas wishes while I was feeling good and happy and Christmassy, not all whingy and miserable like last post.
I hope you have a lovely, relaxed Christmas, spent with loved ones, and special in whatever way is special to you. May it have all the four Fs - faith, family, friends and food.
May the birth of our Lord be a time of great love and peace for you.
God bless you at this very special time.
With much love,
Jessie xoxoxo
I am in an interesting cycle. If I get something done - if I achieve something I feel is worthwhile - I feel good. If I feel like I've spent all day sitting around being 'sick', then I feel worse, I feel useless and I spiral downhill rapidly. Unfortunately, if I'm not feeling well to start, then I am extremely unmotivated and usually in pain and discomfort, and unlikely to get anything 'done'.
I probably need a short list of achievable tasks. Oh dear, I need to baby myself. Any suggestions? Things I can do even when feeling completely rubbish so that I feel like I've done something worthwhile?
Just had a fantastic evening chez Amy, Dave and Julie. And I 'achieved' quite a bit today (all houseworky stuff to get ready for our visitors). Given I started the day feeling lousy, I'm very happy about that. I have a nasty cough that I can't explain or get rid of. I'm a bit worried about it - Christmas is next week and I really don't want to get sick. But my chemo doesn't seem to impact my immune system, thank goodness.
Anyway, I wanted to offer my Christmas wishes while I was feeling good and happy and Christmassy, not all whingy and miserable like last post.
I hope you have a lovely, relaxed Christmas, spent with loved ones, and special in whatever way is special to you. May it have all the four Fs - faith, family, friends and food.
May the birth of our Lord be a time of great love and peace for you.
God bless you at this very special time.
With much love,
Jessie xoxoxo