An exciting moment for Jess's Journey!
Greetings all! A couple of reasons for the delay in posting, the main one being that Jason and I have finally done it - we have set up our website!
It is still in work in progress stage, but my personal blog is definitely up and working, and in the process of being archived to the new site (including comments). All of this year's posts have been copied.
There are also a number of other sections that I hope you will support - book reviews, alternative therapy reviews, course and retreat reviews, and of course, the main discussion forum (which is not yet working, but it will!)
There will be an official launch in the coming weeks but since it is now where I will be blogging and because you have all been so loyal, we thought we would share it with you early.
Please, if you read a book, a review would be fantastic... disagree with the review? Let's have discusssion! Have you heard about an alternative therapy or treatment? Let us hear about it as well. And when the Forum is up and working, please register and join in as well.
And don't forget to tell everyone about it! So many people are affected by cancer and disease and have no one to talk about. I am trying to bring us all together.
This website is designed for people to find somewhere to be listened to, somewhere to listen, somewhere to share and somewhere to be understood. Oh, and maybe have a laugh or two.
Thank you so much for all your support on this blog. I am looking forward to your continued support on the new website.
May God bless you, and God bless the new site.
With much love,
Jessie xoxoox
Greetings all! A couple of reasons for the delay in posting, the main one being that Jason and I have finally done it - we have set up our website!
It is still in work in progress stage, but my personal blog is definitely up and working, and in the process of being archived to the new site (including comments). All of this year's posts have been copied.
There are also a number of other sections that I hope you will support - book reviews, alternative therapy reviews, course and retreat reviews, and of course, the main discussion forum (which is not yet working, but it will!)
There will be an official launch in the coming weeks but since it is now where I will be blogging and because you have all been so loyal, we thought we would share it with you early.
Please, if you read a book, a review would be fantastic... disagree with the review? Let's have discusssion! Have you heard about an alternative therapy or treatment? Let us hear about it as well. And when the Forum is up and working, please register and join in as well.
And don't forget to tell everyone about it! So many people are affected by cancer and disease and have no one to talk about. I am trying to bring us all together.
This website is designed for people to find somewhere to be listened to, somewhere to listen, somewhere to share and somewhere to be understood. Oh, and maybe have a laugh or two.
Thank you so much for all your support on this blog. I am looking forward to your continued support on the new website.
May God bless you, and God bless the new site.
With much love,
Jessie xoxoox